- 取得連結
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Intel Edison Arduino
1. 組裝
一開始組裝可以參考 : https://software.intel.com/zh-cn/assembling-intel-edison-board-with-arduino-expansion-board
2. flash tool lite
Ref: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/flash-tool-lite-user-manual
3. flash your board
Ref: https://software.intel.com/zh-cn/flashing-firmware-on-your-intel-edison-board-mac-os-x
4. 安裝 driver
Ref: https://software.intel.com/en-us/iot/hardware/edison/downloads
5. USB serial
Ref: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
6. Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE, 和官網 Arduino IDE 相同
和其他 Arduino 用 board manager 安裝方式相同,
Intel Edison 是選擇 board manager -> Intel i686 , Edison
Ref: https://software.intel.com/en-us/get-started-arduino-install
7. 突然可以了...
Arduino log 如下:
草稿碼使用了 76,331 bytes (0%) 的程式儲存空間。上限為 10,000,000 bytes。
# clupload script to invoke lsz
# Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation
starting download script
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Args to shell: /Users/neojou/Library/Arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/sketchUploader/1.6.2+1.0/x86/bin /var/folders/3k/lp8jcfy121d9m9dxj52ytxy40000gq/T/build65d64f714436a14c4afc2bdf301974c2.tmp/Blink.ino.elf /dev/cu.usbmodem1423
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
Serial Port PORT (note: should be /dev/cu.xxxxxx for OSX)
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
Using tty Port /dev/cu.usbmodem1423
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Sending Command String to move to download if not already in download mode
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
echo "starting download script"
echo "Args to shell:" $*
# ARG 1: Path to lsz executable.
# ARG 2: Elf File to download
# ARG 3: TTY port to use.
#path may contain \ need to change all to /
echo "Serial Port PORT" $com_port_id "(note: should be /dev/cu.xxxxxx for OSX)"
echo "Using tty Port" $tty_port_id
echo "Sending Command String to move to download if not already in download mode"
echo "~sketch downloadEdison" > $tty_port_id
#Give the host time to stop the process and wait for download
sleep 1
Deleting existing sketch on target
#Move the existing sketch on target.
echo "Deleting existing sketch on target"
"$fixed_path/lsz" --escape -c "mv -f /sketch/sketch.elf /sketch/sketch.elf.old" < $tty_port_id > $tty_port_id
Transfer complete
#"$fixed_path/lsz.exe" --escape -c "mv -f /sketch/sketch.elf /sketch/sketch.elf.old" < $tty_port_id > $tty_port 1>&0
# Execute the target download command
#Download the file.
"$fixed_path/lsz" --escape --binary --overwrite $host_file_name < $tty_port_id > $tty_port_id
Sending: Blink.ino.elf
Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target
Bytes Sent: 1024/ 75668 BPS:521107 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 9216/ 75668 BPS:2333798 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 10240/ 75668 BPS:2517270 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 11264/ 75668 BPS:2683134 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 12288/ 75668 BPS:2856329 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 13312/ 75668 BPS:2912297 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 14336/ 75668 BPS:3037305 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 15360/ 75668 BPS:2962455 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 16384/ 75668 BPS:3073871 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 17408/ 75668 BPS:3185343 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 18432/ 75668 BPS:3301986 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 19456/ 75668 BPS:3289835 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 20480/ 75668 BPS:3441480 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 21504/ 75668 BPS:3423713 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 22528/ 75668 BPS:3558918 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 23552/ 75668 BPS:3601715 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 24576/ 75668 BPS:3725844 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 25600/ 75668 BPS:3641037 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 26624/ 75668 BPS:3722553 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 27648/ 75668 BPS:3672656 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 28672/ 75668 BPS:3746038 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 29696/ 75668 BPS:3697721 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 30720/ 75668 BPS:3766523 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 31744/ 75668 BPS:3715369 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 32768/ 75668 BPS:3628751 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 33792/ 75668 BPS:3686283 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 34816/ 75668 BPS:3603782 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 35840/ 75668 BPS:3665362 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 36864/ 75668 BPS:3624784 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 37888/ 75668 BPS:3598754 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 38912/ 75668 BPS:3646878 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 39936/ 75668 BPS:3579139 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 40960/ 75668 BPS:3592010 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 41984/ 75668 BPS:3564288 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 43008/ 75668 BPS:3607772 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 44032/ 75668 BPS:3548127 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 45056/ 75668 BPS:3590086 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 46080/ 75668 BPS:3536181 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 47104/ 75668 BPS:3580436 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 48128/ 75668 BPS:3624119 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 49152/ 75668 BPS:3594804 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 50176/ 75668 BPS:3545015 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 51200/ 75668 BPS:3581168 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 52224/ 75668 BPS:3531248 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 53248/ 75668 BPS:3571755 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 54272/ 75668 BPS:3566522 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 55296/ 75668 BPS:3517581 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 56320/ 75668 BPS:3556667 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 57344/ 75668 BPS:3509421 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 58368/ 75668 BPS:3545858 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 59392/ 75668 BPS:3525796 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 60416/ 75668 BPS:3562684 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 61440/ 75668 BPS:3517101 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 62464/ 75668 BPS:3552543 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 63488/ 75668 BPS:3509191 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 64512/ 75668 BPS:3544027 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 65536/ 75668 BPS:3501406 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 66560/ 75668 BPS:3534594 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 67584/ 75668 BPS:3505228 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 68608/ 75668 BPS:3490445 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 69632/ 75668 BPS:3519446 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 70656/ 75668 BPS:3492460 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 71680/ 75668 BPS:3458782 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 72704/ 75668 BPS:3489006 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 73728/ 75668 BPS:3474775 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 74752/ 75668 BPS:3506174 ETA 00:00
Bytes Sent: 75668 BPS:3243513
Transfer complete
#mv the downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf
echo "Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target"
"$fixed_path/lsz" --escape -c "mv $target_download_name /sketch/sketch.elf; chmod +x /sketch/sketch.elf" < $tty_port_id > $tty_port_id
Transfer complete