

fossology 安裝

Ref: https://github.com/fossology/fossology/wiki/FOSSology-Docker-testing-on-Ubuntu 

  1. open command console

  2. uname -a
    [ensure kernel is 3.10 or greater. The first portion of response]

  3. sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
    [install docker]

  4. sudo docker run hello-world
    [confirm correct docker installation]

  5. sudo docker pull fossology/fossology
    [grab the latest build of FOSSology]

  6. sudo docker images
    [show available docker images. there should be 2 : fossology/fossology and hello-world]

  7. sudo docker run -p 8081:80 fossology/fossology
    [create a running container from the FOSSology image. redirect port 80 in the container to port 8081]

  8. open a web browser

  9. http://localhost:8081/repo/
    [prepare to enjoy FOSSology. usr/pwd : fossy/fossy]

