wifi : p2p public action frame

Ref: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~bivasm/sp_notes/wifi_direct_2.pdf

Ref: https://hsc.com/DesktopModules/DigArticle/Print.aspx?PortalId=0&ModuleId=1215&Article=221

NoA : Notice of Absense

For example:

   P2P Presence Response action frame with p2p attribute

(1) P2P public action frame: 0x04 0x09 0x50 0x6F 0x9A 0x09

Fig.10. General Format of P2P Public Action Frame

(2) OUI subtype : 0x02 - P2P Presence Response

Action frame type: 

(3) Dialogue Token : 1 byte : based on the dialogue token received from presence request

== P2P IE ==

(4) Element ID : 0xDD = 221

(5) IE length
(6) IE OUI : 0x50 0x6F 0x9A 0x09

===> P2P attributes

Notice of Absence attribute format

(7) attribute ID

     12 - Notice of Absense

(8) length

(9) index : e.g. 1

(10) CTWindow and OppPs Parameters

(11) Notice of Absence descriptor

