ARM cortex-m programmer's model : Program Status Registers (PSR)
Ref: ARM v8m Arch
APSR : Application Program Status Register
Bits | Name | Function |
[31] | N |
Negative flag.
[30] | Z |
Zero flag.
[29] | C |
Carry or borrow flag.
[28] | V |
Overflow flag.
[27] | Q | DSP overflow and saturation flag. |
[26:20] | - | Reserved. |
[19:16] | GE[3:0] | Greater than or Equal flags. See SEL for more information. |
[15:0] | - | Reserved. |
IPSR : interrupt Program Status Register
Bits | Name | Function |
[31:9] | - | Reserved. |
[8:0] | ISR_NUMBER |
This is the number of the current exception:
0 = Thread mode
1 = Reserved
2 = NMI
3 = HardFault
4 = MemManage
5 = BusFault
6 = UsageFault
7-10 = Reserved
11 = SVCall
12 = Reserved for Debug
13 = Reserved
14 = PendSV
15 = SysTick
16 = IRQ0
n+15 = IRQ(n-1)[a].
See Exception types for more information.
[a] The number of interrupts, n, is implementation-defined, in the range 1-240.
EPSR: Execution Program Status Register
Bits | Name | Function |
[31:27] | - | Reserved. |
[26:25], [15:10] | ICI/IT |
Indicates the interrupted position of a continuable instruction, see Interruptible-continuable instructions, or the execution state of an
IT instruction, see IT. |
[24] | T |
Thumb state bit, see Thumb state.